Prescription Request


   Prescription refills:

  •  To renew your prescription(s) when there are no remaining refills, call your pharmacy directly with each medication that you are needing refilled. The pharmacy will send us a request for the refill, if required, which we will respond to in a timely manner.
  •   To avoid missing doses of medication, contact your pharmacy at least 4-5 days before you run out of medication.
  •  Please anticipate your prescription needs before holidays and weekends and request these refills in advance.
  •  Sometimes your provider will want to see you prior to allowing further refills. We will notify the pharmacy upon responding to the prescription refill request if this is the case.
  •   Never assume your provider wants you to stop taking your medication just because there are no refills remaining.
  •    The best way to maintain an adequate supply of your prescription medication is to evaluate your medication supply before your next office visit and request refills at your visit.